Our resource page offers additional information on the services you are interested in learning more about.
Extreme Heat Resources
By: City of Victoria
Places to Cool Down
If you are unable to stay cool at home, identify places in your community with air conditioning, such as a friend’s house, a mall, community centre, or library. Click here to view the map that shows some cooling resources.
For more tips on how to stay cool, visit .

Make Your Emergency Ready Plan
By: Government of British ColumbiaKnowing what to do, where to go and who to contact will reduce stress and help keep you focused and safe during a disaster.
We’ve made it easier than ever to complete a home emergency plan – just follow the prompts! You can choose to save your plan as a PDF to your computer, tablet or device, or print it out.
Alternatively, you can download and print off a fill-in-the blanks PDF template instead.
Review and update your plan yearly, or if there is a change in your situation, such as a different job or school, getting a pet or moving to a new town.
We also suggest keeping a copy in your home emergency kit and grab-and-go bag(s).
Translated emergency plans are available in PDF format: Français (French), 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese), 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese), ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi), Tagalog
No fields in this form are mandatory. Any information provided is not saved, stored or shared by any government agency.
CLBC Celebrate Diverse ABILITIES Magazine: Summer 2024 Edition
- This edition focuses on self-advocacy leadership, featuring stories from individuals and groups making a difference.
- It includes the story of Charlene Barney, an Indigenous self-advocate, and her journey towards self-determination.
- Learn more about self-advocacy and find resources to get involved.
Canada wide
- Anxiety Canada
- CanadaHelps For Charities
- Canadian Down Syndrome Society
- Canadian Red Cross – British Columbia
- CanFASD Research Network
British Columbia
- AutismBC
- British Columbia Schizophrenia Society
- British Columbia Schizophrenia Society Youth (BCSS YOUTH)
- BC Hydro – Free Portable Air Conditioner
- Borderline Personality Disorder Society of BC
- Diverse Family Roots Society
- Family Support Institute of BC
- Fortis BC – Free Portable Air Conditioner
- Health Connect Registry – Register to get a family doctor or nurse practitioner
- MDA – Mood Disorders Association of British Columbia
- Link! Safety, Relationships and Sexuality
- Provincial Health Services Authority – Deaf, Deaf-Blind & Hard of Hearing
- RocketDoctor – Virtual Comprehensive Care
- tia health – Online appointments with Canadian doctors
- WELL Health VirtualClinics+ – Book an online appointment with a Canadian doctor
Campbell River
- AKG Canada
- British Columbia – Employment Accessibility Standard
- BC Centre for Ability
- BC Centre for Employment Excellence
- CanAssist
- CanAssist – Job Journey for job seekers aged 15+ who self-identify as having a disability and/or mental health barrier to employment
- Co-operative Entrepreneur Training program
- Disability Foundation
- People Working Well – Recognizing The Signs: Early Indicators of Bullying in the Workplace
- Reducing Poverty Initiative
- VIVRS – Vancouver Island Vocation and Rehabilitation Services Ltd.
- Work BC
British Columbia
- BC Builds homes for people
- BC Housing
- BC Rent Bank – Stay housed when times get tough
- Home Sharing Support Society BC
Canada Wide
- abilities
- Defeat Duchenne Canada
- Fighting Blindness Canada
- Finding Our Power Together
- Inclusion Canada
- Independent Living Canada
- Indigenous Peoples and Cultures
- Muscular Dystrophy
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- NeilSquire
- Treat Accessibly
British Columbia
- BCACDI (The BC Association for Child Development and Intervention)
- BCAAFC – BC Assocation of Aboriginal Friendship Centres
- BC Disability
- BC Law Enforcement Diversity Network – Decal Project
- Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship
- Developmental Disabilities Association
- disability alliance bc
- Foundry
- Inclusion BC
- posAbilities
- posAbilities – Laurel Behaviour Support Services
- Spinal Cord Injury BC
- Nanaimo RCMP offers decals for neurodivergent and autistic people
- Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre
Canada Wide
British Columbia
- – Community-Led Crisis Response Team (CLCR)
- BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services
- BounceBackBC
- Canadian Mental Health Association – British Columbia Division
- Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use
- FamilySmart Together Centred
- Foundry
- Heretohelp – Mental Health and Substance use
- Human Nature Counselling Society
- Mental Health for Children & Youth
- Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre
- Seniors & Mental Health
- Stigma Free Mental Health
Campbell River
- Family Smart – Together Centred
- The AOK project (Acts of Kindness for
- Mental Health Foundation)
- Mindfulness for Teens
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- City of Victoria – Accessibility & Inclusion
- Courtnall Society
- Developmental Disability Mental Health Team (DDMHT)
- Island Community Mental Health (ICMH)
- Mental Health Recovery Partners – South Island
- Need2 – Suicide Prevention Education & Support
- PSR – Psychosocial Rehabilitation
- Umbrella Society
- Vanouver Island Y – Mental Wellness
- BC Blind Sports and Recreation Association
- BC Wheelchair Sports
- City of Victoria – Bike Parking & Borrow a Bike Lock
- City of Victoria – Festivals & Events
- EMBRACE – Artistic Opportunities for Individuals of All Abilities
- GoodLife Fitness – Teen Fitness
- Neuromotion
- MT Respite Adventures
- Planet Fitness – High School Summer Pass
- Power To Be
- RAD Society
- Special Olympics BC
- Sportability BC
- Victoria Conservatory Of Music
- Victoria Disability Arts Collective
- Victoria Wheelchair Sports
- West Coast Reach Association
- Wheelchair Basketball Canada
- BC Human Rights Clinic
- BC Human Rights Commission
- British Columbia – Accessible Service Delivery Standard
- British Columbia – Accessible BC Act Standards
- Canadian Human Rights Comission
- Discrimination Against People with Physical or Mental Disabilities
- Elections Canada – Accessibility Services
- Gender Equality Week
Canada Wide
British Columbia
- BC CEO Social Service Leadership Network
- Cssea – Community Social Services Employers’ Association of BC
- Connect – An attachment based program for parents and caregivers
- Family Support Institute of BC
- Foundry
- Kids Help Phone
- Transition Planning for Youth & Young Adults
- United Way BC – Helpline Services
Campbell River
- Campbell River Hospice Society
- Campbell River Family Services Society
- Campbell River & North Island Transition Society
- North Island Survivors’ Healing Society
Reasons to Choose Osanis
First and foremost, our goal at Osanis is that our services respect and support your rights for safety, well being, dignity and self-determination.
We appreciate and welcome that you and/or your family, and in some instances your support team, have the greatest levels of knowledge and understanding about your unique situation.
Every client is special and every circumstance is exceptional to us. Being born with special needs has its unique set of difficulties. Similarly, acquiring a special need as a result of an accident or illness can have heavy physical, emotional, social and financial strains for all concern.
Family members and caregivers who love and support those with special needs take on great responsibilities. Osanis is mindful that those caring helpers are often very busy people who likely must balance multiple competing priorities. We understand that those responsibilities can be overwhelming at times.
Our services are designed to bring to light, and make use of, your individual abilities, strengths, relevant life experiences and resources in order to help you create new opportunities for change that you have identified as meaningful and desirable.
Life’s journey holds difficulties, and sometimes the challenges are too great to face alone. Osanis is here to help you in every way possible.